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Harlem Globetrotters visit Jamad Fiin The Captain of Somali National Team

After seeing a remarkable video of an Emmanuel College basketball player, the Harlem Globetrotters decided to pay her a visit and show their support. Jamad Fiin is a Somali basketball player and her goal is to inspire Muslim girls to play basketball and the Harlem Globetrotters surprised her and showed her some tricks! Many of the Muslim girls have been telling Jamad how inspired they are because of what she has accomplished and that pushes her to continue to work hard and play hard for them.

These girls are now trying out for their basketball and soccer teams at their high schools and Jamad has really motivated them to come out of their comfort zone and try something they never thought they would actually do. Jamad is now a sophomore at Emmanuel College and she wants to continue to get better so her story can reach and motivate even more young Muslim girls around the world.


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