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Washington, 17 Sebtembar, 2019: Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya waxay soo dhaweynaysaa aqabaaladda waraaqaha aqoonsiga ee uu Madaxweynaha Mareykanka Mudane Donald J. Trump kaga guddoomay Aqalka Cad danjiraha cusub ee Soomaaliya ee Washington Mudane Ali Shariif Axmed kaasoo loo igmaday inuu sii dardargeliyo xiriirka saaxiibtinnimo ee tariikhiga ah, iskaashiga istaraatiijiyeed iyo wax wada qabsiga ee faa’iidada u leh labada dal.
Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo shacabkeeduba waxay Dowladda Mareykanka u arkaan isbahaysi adag iyo saaxiib kaalin mug leh ka qaadanaya horumarka iyo hurosocodnimada Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya.
Danjiraha cusub ee Soomaaliya u fadhiyi doona Washington wuxuu hore usoo noqday Danjiraha dalalka Faransiiska, Itoobiya. Wuxuu sidoo kale ahaa Wakiilka Joogtada ah ee Soomaaliya u qaabilsan Midowga Afrika iyo Golaha Dhaqaalaha Qaramada Midoobay ee Afrika (UNECA).
Marka laga soo tago waaya aragnimadiisa dhanka dowladda, Danjire Axmed wuxuu soo noqday maamule sare, ganacsade iyo la-taliye shirkado iyo hay’ado caalami ah. Danjirihu wuxuu Shahaadada 2-aad ka qaatay Jaamacadda Sussex ee dalka Ingiriiska, halka uu shahaada 1-aad uu ka qaatay Jaamacadda London Metropolitan ee isla dalkaas isaga oo ku takhasusay Culuumta Siyaasad-dagaleedka (Geopolitics) iyo Istiraatiijiyadda iyo sidoo kale Daraasaadka Nabadda iyo Khilaafaadka sida ay u kala horreeyaan.
Dowladda Soomaaliya waxay ku kalsoontahay in Danjire Axmed uu u gudan doono waajibaadkiisa shaqo isidii uu usii xoojin lahaa xiriirka taariikhiga ah ee labada dal iyo fursadaha casriga ah ay labada dhinac ka wada faa’iideysan karaan.
Washington, 17 Sep, 2019: The Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia warmly welcomes President Donald J Trump’s acceptance of credentials from Somalia’s new ambassador to Washington H.E Ambassador Ali Sharif Ahmed who presented his credentials at the White House to the president of United States of America and is mandated to build on the strong historical bonds of friendship, strategic cooperation and partnership for progress to advance the mutual benefit of both countries.
The people and Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia consider America a strong ally and partner for Somalia’s development and progress.
Ambassador Ali Sharif previously served as the Somali Ambassador to Ethiopia and France respectively. He also served as the Permanent Representative of Somalia to the African Union and UNECA.
In addition to his public sector experience, Ambassador Ahmed worked as a business executive, entrepreneur and consultant for firms with global operations. Ambassador Ahmed holds a master’s degree in Geopolitics and Grand Strategy from the University of Sussex and bachelor’s degree in Peace and Conflict Studies from London Metropolitan University.
The Somali government is confident that H.E Ambassador Ali Sharif Ahmed will fulfil his duties to build on our two countries’ historic relations with modern opportunities that benefit both sides.
For further information please contact;
Somali Embassy in Washington DC
Email: Info@somaliembassydc.net
Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian
Xigasho Abdinur Mohamed Ahmed